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Urban Landscapes

Being primarily a nature photographer, a foray into urban landscapes is a departure. Or so it seemed as I began.  This division:  nature, humanity, does get in the way. Seeing is seeing; the objects and images are there, they attract me, I in turn give them a place.  My theme continues: seeing common things often overlooked by the casual passerby.

Moziac;  an abstract of autumn leaves on water.


Erosion;  time and water flowing

rusty metal

Nature at work on human made objects.  Humanity at work on nature.

Returning to origin.

Urban landscapes are Strong. Definitive. Finite.

The natural world softer, renewing.

Circles and lines in sunset;  Innovation.


Like two voices these two, nature and humanity;  concurrent, contemporary.  Each pursuing its story, Seemingly indifferent to the other yet inexorably intertwined. Sharing forms in space, borrowing from the other, parallel now, then diverging. As the one builds, so does the other. Can they co-exist?  Are they to be at odds? Can they play as an invention?

Tall Trees, Sky

tall trees 2

God's acre

In walking through these landscapes, similarity is more common than difference. A line in one is a line in the other, a form in one is a form in the other.  All repeat, as it should be;  a common origin.  Stepping from one to the other and back again is not all that difficult.  It could be harmony and balance.

Form in space


Beauty in line


park bench




oramental iron


netlace web

Having a camera gives you license to look at things.  Look long and hard. Look from unusual angles in unusual places. Imagine what people would say if you were out there acting that way without a prop.

“Mommy, why is that man lying on his back under that statue?”

The Muse


  I wonder about this relation, humanity and nature. Is it to be a firm handshake or a tug of war?  A loving embrace or a strangle hold? Their objects seem to pose the same question:


iron clasp

Texture and simplicity of form are appealing.  Age, they have held this position on into time.


tree and vine_edited-1

Massive and powerful in form and texture.  I came upon this while photographing tiny wildflowers. The contrast was exciting.

We put nature into our landscape all the time.  So, it is not forgotten though we try to distance ourselves as if a forgotten, bothersome relative bringing an unwanted memory.

Leaf in cement

