Category Archives: nature photography and prose

nature photographs
nature prose
nature wiriting


Out of the mist, fog and cloud, the land emerges. Hidden, now suddenly revealed. Sky wrapping around peak, rock and tree holding the sky fast.

Rain forest, green in moss and fern, moisture condensing and weeping from fir and spruce.

Sacred, truly so.










Windswept, billowing
Flowing one into another unbounded
The gods at play







The sky opens
Cloud, sun, fog, mountain, mist
A game of hide and seek







To stay with the mountain
The tumbling rocks know well
Is temporary










A foot path journey
Moss and lichen covered tree bark
Silent steps on soft ground


In a slow bow
A slender branch with crinkled leaves
Graceful in the wind










Warm and soft
I touched the moss on a rock face
It felt my touch and smiled










The goldenrod knows
Dipping its flowers into the stream
The taste of the mountain


Colors borrowed and lent
Garments fine to dress the flowers
Sky blue and sun yellow










Stone steps in water
Aster and touch-me-not
Autumn’s repose


Roan Mountain
On the Cloudland Trail


Shawneehaw Creek
