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The Way the Leaves Return in Spring

And so leaves appear, at first singular, isolated, alighting on branch and bud they travel with the migrant masses, like stars blinking in the darkening sky, one, two, soon in multitudes they sweep North with the arriving Spring, nature unfolding.










Morning Walk

Today leaves danced
in a Spring breeze
fresh and cool
upon my face

The dark shade reposing
avoiding the searching
sun’s rays preferring
a moment longer

Deer and Fox in the blue
twilight of dawn stay still
in reflection as we greet
one another







Roller Coaster

Up, twist and spin
emotions pulled tight
against the side as
I careen the banked
turn only to plunge
deep down heart
stopping fall tears
streaming for joy
fear, loss, life
and living

Hands up, cresting
rising in my seat
hope in this thin
air unknowing the
tracks that secure
us unseen the threads
that connect us one
to another, generation
to generation the silent
strong force of a life

When you were young
you loved the roller coaster
can we do it again you said
We are doing it you and I
as we lean in and hold back
on this life theme-park ride
Hold my hand, it’s what we
do at the end










Meditation Bell

I was thinking of you
the quiet of morning
yet residing

wishing you well
as the warmth of a Spring
sun stirred

the air and fragrances of
blossom mingled with colors
of song

The bell long here little
noticed now welcomed
as friend

giving embrace as we part
with its low soft tone trailing
off slowly

uncertain if it is drawing
me in or sending me on
to journey

I wish you happiness
and ease of suffering
may all

your fondest dreams
for this one life
be realized

The bell sounds













The House at Shawneehaw Creek

A younger self would walk this creek
eyes open unfiltered by the accumulated
time. He would see it then and he would
see it now, a face in the mirror, a reflection
in the water, the forest in a water fall

Taking care on slippery rock he would
set purchase with sight on those looking
out from window and door, those no longer
here in form though present still
There is another home seen through sun gold
reflections on flowing creek, back yet, a
time ago

A house of river cane and mud plaster
with thatched roof, a stone hearth warming
soup and cornbread. He would see fine vine
baskets in skilled hands, children at play
sun browned in family cluster. Back from
the hunt, shaved head and topknot, men
at rest

And still more, the eyes bore deeper, the
rising mist of cascading stream in filtered
ambience, dark shadows in fern thickets
light at play on rivulet and pool all portals
to the natural world leading him on losing
time and gaining eternity

The Shaw nee haw blooms in Spring
he would see white petals on bare branch
the green of leaf not yet present, and
red berries in summer and autumn gold
They lined this creek in Cherokee land
and Mississippian time and long prior

The house in the water on a foundation
of rock I walk by now, Serviceberry soon
to flower. In the waterfall I see a forest
of fine evergreen rising up











A phone rings
A message given

Our talk resumes
and steps rhyme
missing nay a
beat on return

the ease of
bonds long felt
memories held dear
and gratitudes exchanged

in parting we
know again unite
the way leaves
return in Spring







Nature invites us to see beyond ourselves

