Walking the woods, where tall grass feathers through shrub and sapling to the high canopy; a flash of white, flutter of wing and a call from a distant limb.
My paths diverge, one following the stream bank as water carves through soil the other up along a stone fence into the field. In each, one leaves off where another begins.
Edges define the natural world, a place of separation and a place of mixing.
There exists another border, a contrived edge; neighbor here, one there, each approaching with trepidation.
Embracing the edge, leaning in, and stepping across is the challenge.
Stream Side
I am drawn to water
as sure as the traveler
to the journey
Moving water, currents that
braid, the eddy and flow of a
murmuring stream with mist
and fragrance of forest.
Fast moving water in white and
spray splashing down a rock face
to silence in a deep pool
More than the current at my feet
standing mid-stream is the warm
air of summer surrounding me as
it flows down this corridor of tree
leaf and bank and rock strewn
creek bed
More than the current of water and
the current of air singing in harmony
is the current of souls, souls of the
departed a thousand strong in fine
gossamer wings of gold and white
bright orange and black and the palest
of yellow all flowing downstream
like snow blown by the winter wind
a flurry enveloping me in the softest
of sound and the eternity of happiness
To Look Fondly Upon This
Windows, looking out
Soft music, mid afternoon in late
summer and so young then
this mood of reflection,
more his than mine, moved me
and I too looked out
Recognition and remembrance flood
in waves upon a shore loosening
my hold and allowing me to
what it means to me when a
leaf falls, when a flower opens
when a song fills the air
I went out there only to
come back inside here
as the circle grows
and in the quiet moments
to look fondly upon this
Souls of the departed as butterflies
Edges blur
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