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Songs From the High Country

I have a need for high places, for solitude and lonely spaces.
Here you can find me where it is cool and verdant, where the horizon is distant beyond cascading ridge lines, where the trees are swept by wind and anchored in stone.
The mist sings as it rises from the valley swirling upward in fronds appearing then gone, the clouds sing in a low rumble as they roll across hill tops.  Wildflowers speak to me in a soft good morning as the wind sighs and together they dance to the song from the high country.













May I Sit With You

This is a familiar path
one I have walked in
winter’s cold and on
days of fog blown hard
on gusting wind when
my thoughts too were
tangled and tossed

Like hope It climbs only to
descend then climbs again
following the landscape of
our hearts passing meadow
gold and lavender and
through the weathered
stile to a tree standing alone

I walk this path in summer’s
sun escaping, running away
leaving behind those thoughts
unwanted of times most troubled
coming to the granite outcrop as
I carefully ask may I sit with you














The way light catches
the evergreen leaves
moss covered tree and
lichen on stone
I awaken slowly as
distractions leave
my senses tuned to
a world so new yet

Things not seen until
unless stillness enters
and thanks are given
A flowering plant the
gray rock it’s host
A valley soft in new
grass and blanketing

Will you be my teacher
I your humble student
we with ears not hearing
eyes that do not see
and hearts devoid of care
how do we proceed













My I sit with you and sing these songs of the earth




*the pronoun you expands beyond the human person to the natural world;  rock, tree, wind, water…..

