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Hope Redux







These are new days, like fresh snow fallen unsullied by the grit of time. The clarity of black and white in a winter landscape, simplifying before nuance sets in.







Hope lives in sunrise on a fog shrouded lake, in the first flower of spring, in another’s touch holding out the promise of real over virtual.







Hearts on a Limb

First blossoms before the leaf
lavender-pink on gray wood in
the bare woods of early spring
Leaves heart shaped and broad
red yielding to green as summer’s
work begins

Always a risk this
climbing far on a limb
easy when young and nimble
and tree is that way too

A casual glance not meant
to be much but being so
much more the way the limb
yields as you near the end

Two now, hearts on a limb
in Springtime love budding
warmed in sun, wind tossed
and winter iced, ever holding










First Frost

Anticipated and yet surprised
arriving with stealth, frozen
fingers touching every blade
with a fine gray powder chased
away by the first warm rays

A sign of winter’s coming
a welcome ending to seasons
of deep darkness, separating
what came before from what
we hope to be







So Good to See You Again

Last Leaf
pulled by wind
separated at summer’s end
A garment discarded it’s
replacement secure in
December bud

Gone but Remaining
the way life cycles through
summer fullness and winter’s
rest, love enduring in
limb and heart

We Move Apart
only to wish to be close
our separation now yearning
for the presence of others

In Virtual
I see you, hear your voice
and watch your eyes
Is that a tear, could it be
Here, let me touch







