Our one delightful snowfall let us know it was time. Appearing one morning unannounced it had crept in through the night lying in a fine lace pattern, silently so not to disturb the woodland, a gift at my door.

And So Autumn Turns to Winter
not all at once, not suddenly as the
equatorial bright day blinks to darkest
of night but slowly, softly, the way the
endless arctic night is awakened by
a small sun arc pushing above the far
eastern horizon

there is comfort in circles, they close
bringing us back around to things we know
we have been here before, we know the way
in the beauty of bare tree branches
silver, seeking, nature’s form elemental
brings us home

and so we wait, on this solstice night we wait
on this Christmas night we wait, with those
ancient we wait, and now with you I wait
in hope, in sorrow, in joy, this
is our circle we travel
once more

My best wishes for the happiest of seasons
and the beauty of a new year